How To Get Your Security Deposit Back

Top 5 Ways to Ensure Return of Renters Security Deposit!

Conduct a Walk-Through. Before you move in, conduct a walk through with the landlord and document any problems; broken fixtures, stains on the carpet, holes in wall, etc. You don’t want to get blamed for these issues when you move out!

Keep Receipts. If you make any improvements in the space such as new light fixtures, light bulbs, window treatments – be sure to keep your receipts. This will ensure you have some ammo in your pocket just in case the landlord wants to retain some of your deposit.

Patch up holes. Cover them up with painters putty making them as seamless as possible. Landlord’s don’t expect you to live with stark walls during your tenancy, but the less noticeable they are when you leave, the better chance you get your dough back!

Clean the floors. Hardwoods, carpets, the infamous linoleum, clean ‘em all. Your landlord will be less nit-picky the cleaner the place is when you move out.

Be a good tenant! Pay your rent on time, report problems promptly, and be kind to your neighbors.

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